Friday, June 19, 2009

My New Favorite Quote

This one quote crystallized for me the difference between a relief and a development organization (like Self-Help). It was contained in a great article by Thomas G. Donlan in the June 1 issue of Barron's (p. 39, if you would like to read it for yourself).

My new favorite quote is from Michael Doane, leader of Monsanto's sustainability team. See if you agree. Here's a paragraph from Mr. Donlan's article:

"Credit and logistics are essential, but once they are provided, local farmers can enter the global cash economy. This kind of aid turns compassion into investment. Says Doane: 'If a food-aid program delivers a ton of U.S. grain to a village in Malawi, it costs about $700. If they grow a ton of grain in the village, they can do it for about $70.' The money earned in the local market can buy more seed and more fertilizer. It pays for local farmers and everyone in the local economy."

Put your $70 with Self-Help and do $700 worth of good! That's a good investment.

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